The most challenging aspect of the Compound Effect is that we have to keep working away for a while, consistently and efficiently, before we can begin to see the payoff. (Page 17)

Having experienced extended periods of prosperity, health, and wealth, we become complacent. We stop doing what we did to get us there. (Page 18)

In essence, you make your choices, and then your choices make you. Every decision, no matter how slight, alters the trajectory of your life. Every choice has an impact on the Compund Effect of your life. (Page 23)

Note: Choices

One Thanksgiving, I decided to keep a Thanks Giving journal for my wife. Every day for an entire year I logged at least one thing I appreciated about her-the way she interacted with her friends, how she cared for our dogs, the fresh bed she prepared, a succulent meal she whipped up, or the beautiful way she styled her hair that daywhatever. I looked for the things my wife was doing that touched me, or revealed attributes, characteristics, or qualities I appreciated. I wrote them all down secretly for the entire year. By the end of that year, I'd filled an entire journal.

When I gave it to her the following Thanksgiving, she cried.

All that joirnaling forced me to focus on my wife's positive aspects. I was consciously looking for all things she was doing right. (Page 27)

Note: Gratitude journal for wife

We are all self-made men and women, but only the successful take credit for. (Page 28)

Note: Owning 100%

Only when you're willing to take 100 percent responsibility for making the relationship work will it work. (Page 29)

Note: Take full responsibility

When your actions conflict with your values, you'll end up unhappy, frustrated, and despondent.

In fact, psychologists tell us that nothing creates more stress than when our actions and behaviors aren't congruent with our values. (Page 66)

Note: Action and values

Once you get momentum, you will be hard to stop-virtually unbeatable even though you're now putting out considerably less effort while receiving greater results.

Ever wonder why successful people tend to get more successful... the rich get richer... the happy get happier... the lucky get luckier?