many of us are doing too much at once which is leading to the unfinished tasks or projects syndrome (Location 56)
Note: Failure to finish
“distractionitis.” People who suffer from this are too easily distracted and are effortlessly pulled away from one task, to do something else. Before you know it, you soon find yourself with too many unfinished jobs or projects. (Location 57)
Note: Distractions
Remind yourself that only by starting will you be able to finish. (Location 86)
Note: Starting
Only by starting it, and completing it, can you go on to the next challenge. (Location 88)
Note: Starting and completing
if you let yourself spend just 10 minutes, you will get “into” the project or task and 10 minutes will become an hour or however long it takes to make progress on this task or project. (Location 89)
Note: Just a little
Maybe you are reluctant to start a project because you should not be doing it in the first place. (Location 91)
Note: Not best usage of your time
Your reputation at work depends on you finishing what you are asked to do and completing it on time within the agreed-upon deadline, whenever possible. (Location 160)
Note: Reputation